Navigation Pane

The navigation pane on the left side contains two primary navigation panes (global and active case) that control ForeSight navigation and activities.

NOTE: When the page view is optimized, ForeSight displays icons instead of panes on the left and right sides of the screen.

Global Pane

The Global pane contains the primary navigation buttons (or icons in optimized view) to access the global page groups, dialog boxes, and activities within the system: Home, New Case, Case Management, and Contact Management pages. These pages are always available.

Global Pane Buttons and Icons

Active Case Pane

The Active Case pane contains the case name and navigation buttons (or icons in optimized view) that provide access to the illustration pages within the active case Concept, Product, Quickview, Print as Selected (quick print), and Application pages. These pages are available only when an active case is open.

  • When you begin an illustration and enter the case name in the Start Illustration dialog box, the case name appears above the navigation buttons in the Active Case pane.

    Active Case Navigation Buttons

  • When you begin a Composite illustration, the Product button changes to a Composite button, the Add Concept button changes to an Illustrations button, and a Table Input button is added to the pane. The Table Input button is available only with a Composite illustration.

    Composite Illustration Buttons

Active Contact Pane

The Active Contact pane contains the contact name and navigation buttons (or icons in optimized view) that provide access to the Contact Information pages and contact Reports page for the selected contact. These pages are available when an active contact is open in Contact Management.

Active Contact Pane

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